Trailer New Serengsia 1837_Lost in the Valley (VPRA Entertainment -Ⓒ2022)
The Lost in the Valley
The film is based on the unheard and unfamiliar story of the freedom fighters of the land of Jharkhand, India. As we all know, there are many stories full of valour and courage in history, out of which we recognize some of the heroes very well. But there are many such heroes whose immortal saga got extinct in the womb of time. If we look closely at the pages of history, there are many such heroes who will stand proudly with their heads raised, who will be seen deepening the knowledge of history even more and one such immortal story is that of the tribals of Serengsia Valley settled in Kolhan region of Jharkhand, India. Witnessed her courage, intelligence and valour.
Supported by
Karim City College Jamshedpur
Script & Direction
Pragya Singh
Dr. Neha Tiwary
Jaganath Hessa
Prakash & Kunal Kumar Dey
Aman Kumar Singh
Prakash & Pragya Singh
Kunal Kumar Dey
Sketch Guide
Vikash Kumar
Production Incharge
Kunal Sarkar